Perkins V Resources
The federal reauthorization of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act known as Perkins V was signed into law by the President of July 31, 2018. The purpose of this Act is to develop more fully the academic knowledge and technical and employability skills of secondary education students and postsecondary education students who elect to enroll in CTE programs and programs of study.
Guidance from VALEES, including sample language, for completion of the Program Data Review and Local Needs Assessment process (document explained and reviewed in Steering Committee on December 12, 2019)
PDR & Local Needs Assessment – directions from Illinois State Board of Education – December version
Illinois State Board of Education Perkins V – contains a variety of information including drafts of the state plan and appendices, upcoming dates for Listening Tours and training, and opportunities for providing input
Labor Market Information for the VALEES region by CIP code
Informing Perkins V: Student Input on Career and Technical Education in Illinois
Informing Perkins V: Employer Input on Career and Technical Education in Illinois